Rice Salad

Romany Rose Pope
3 min readSep 11, 2017


A casual macrobiotic bowl for simple, satisfying dinners.

Today I was really questioning whether to share this recipe because, for me, it’s so straight forward that I’m unsure if anyone will find this enticing/exciting/useful… but today I’m doing it despite the resistance and hope it inspires you to make something similarly simple, healthy & delicious for dinner tonight.

I love drawing on different food philosophies, like ayurveda, traditional chinese medicine and macrobiotics, which has roots in zen buddhism. The macrobiotic diet is a plant-focused, mindful way of preparing and eating food, seeking to balance to our bodies by coming into deeper relationship with the natural world. Each meal is a well-rounded combination of grains, legumes, vegetables and fermented foods ~ varying on seasonal produce ~ with the added touches of miso, seaweeds and seeds to harmonize yin/yang energies and add nutrient-rich probiotics, vitamins and minerals.

I threw these ingredients together about a year ago and called it Rice Salad ~ more of a Japanese influence on the traditional macrobiotic bowl. From the first bite, my partner Eduardo was hooked. He’d want this for dinner every single night and even a year later, still makes it a few times a week. I add in more veggies like steamed broccoli, kale, peas and sometimes substitute the rice for quinoa, but the basics stay the same.


brown rice (I like medium grain for the texture & somewhat fluffiness)

mixed greens






soy sauce (or soy/coconut aminos)


sesame seeds

black pepper

I had no sesame seeds in the pantry :’(


Make your desired portion of brown rice. This is how I like to do it: rinse 2/3 cup of brown rice then soak for 30 minutes. Rinse again and add into saucepan with double the amount of water. Bring to boil, then cover and simmer for approx 40 mins/until all water is evaporated & soaked up. Turn off heat and cover with lid for 10 more mins. This makes fluffy(ish) brown rice, promise!

Chop veggies and add them into a bowl with rice & sauerkraut, topping with sesame seeds & cracked black pepper. Drizzle a generous amount of soy sauce and squeeze of half a lime.

And you’re dones! Say thanks and chew each bite well.

Phew, so glad I faced my *mini* challenges and shared this today. Hope you enjoy!

Thanks so much for reading ;) if you like this recipe, please give it a clap or be a “fan” so more people might be inspired to make their own unique Rice Salad! #macrobowl



Romany Rose Pope

Dessert creator and herbalist. I write about cacao, food medicine and rituals for living a vital & connected life. IG @romanyrose