Herbed-up Bliss Balls

Romany Rose Pope
3 min readSep 6, 2017


Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down!

roses & chocolate rolled into lil’ balls of bliss

I’ve been making bliss balls for years and they’re always a blend of whatever dried fruit, nuts, superfoods & bits I have in my cupboard at the time. Recently though, I’ve also been adding a few of the not-so-sweet herbs that have incredible health benefits and I think eating them coated in chocolate & tahini is a pretty ingenious idea…

These are great any time of day ~ on top of smoothie bowls, snacks, desserts, or take them to pot lucks & make a lot of friends. They won’t be kept around for long though because it’s hard to stop at one… they’re dense, nutritious and meet chocolate cravings where they begin, providing energy and blissed out happy face.

I don’t do measured recipes, so below are many suggestions of things you can combine or substitute, and taste test along the way!


organic coconut flakes

rolled oats

medjool dates

raisins/figs/goji berries

tahini or favorite nut butter

cacao powder


agave/maple syrup

herbs to hide in there: powdered astragalus & ashwagandha, organic rose or lavender, medicinal mushies (queen Reishi’s my favorite), spirulina, chlorella, eleuthero (Siberian ginseng), maca, tumeric (use with black pepper), kava kava, gotu kola— the list goes on! Just make sure you’re using the powdered form of the herb and it should be fine.

other suggestions: chia or ground flax seeds, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, raw almonds or walnuts (preferably soaked & rinsed beforehand), cacao nibs, coconut oil, vanilla.


In a food processor, combine dry ingredients into a rough flour ~ around 1 cup oats (if you’re using them), 1 cup coconut flakes, 1/4 cup cacao, lots of cinnamon & powdered herbs (1 tsp-1tbsp of each depending on what & how many you use). Blend til the oats & coconut break down to a finer, but still textured, consistency.

Add around 10 pitted dates, other dried fruit, 1/4 cup nut butter, syrup for taste & stickiness ~ blend well to combine.

sometimes the raw dough doesn’t even make it to ball-form… I only ate a 1/4 today

Time to taste. How is it? Chocolatey enough? Need more cinnamon or sweetness? If it’s needs a doughier consistency, add a tiny bit of water or more wet ingredients, then reblend.

In your palm, roll into desired sized balls and coat with cacao powder or nibs, shredded coconut, rose petal powder, or sesame seeds!

coated with nibs, cacao, coconut & rose

Leave them in the fridge for a couple hours or eat right away. Simple and so luscious, with the added superpower of healing herbs! Try them out and let me know what your winning combination is ;)

Thanks for reading sweeties! If you like this recipe, give it a clap or be a “fan” so it can reach more people and spread the medicinal chocolate love! #blissballs are #amazeballs



Romany Rose Pope

Dessert creator and herbalist. I write about cacao, food medicine and rituals for living a vital & connected life. IG @romanyrose